Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Week of Jan. 16-20

  • Gr. 2 - Continue to read each evening and discuss book with your child.  We will have our spelling quiz on Friday.
  • Gr. 3-  We will be having our quiz on measurement and perimeter on Friday.  The students have been enjoying these outcomes so much!  Our mental math warm-ups have been introducing the concept of multiplication.  Please keep practicing those facts each night!
  • Gr. 4- We will be having our math quiz on multiplication facts and 2/3 digit by 1 digit multiplication on Friday.  It is very important for your child to be reviewing the facts each night.
  • Have a great week everyone!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Week of Jan.9-13

  • Grade 2-  Please make sure the nightly reading books are being copied into their reading logs each evening (Mon-Thur.)  It is very important that the students are reading each night and discussing what they have read.  Spelling quiz will be on Friday and the focus for this week is compound words.
  • Grade 3-  Please be practicing math facts each evening.  I will be sending home a duotang home this week filled with some practice adding and subtracting.  This is to keep up our adding and subtracting skills over the next few months.  When students finish 3 or 4 pages, they can take it in to me and I will correct it and send it back home.  We are now into our measurement (cm and m) and perimeter of regular and irregular shapes.
  • Grade 4-  Students MUST be practicing their multiplication and division facts each night.....this is an outcome for them.  This outcome leads into the outcome we are working on now which is multiplication 3 digit by 1 digit numbers.  If they do not know their facts, they will have a hard time being successful with that outcome.
  • Have a great week everyone!