Sunday, October 28, 2012

Week of Oct. 29-Nov.2

  • I have to send out a huge "thank you" to all of my students for making my birthday last Thursday so memorable. They were so thoughtful and kind!  The musical version of "Happy Birthday" brought tears to my eyes. I consider myself one of the luckiest teachers on PEI to have such a wonderful group of children in my class.
  • I will be sitting with other teachers on Tuesday to plan out parent teacher interview times.  The interviews will be held on Wednesday evening, November 7 and Thursday November 8.  If you would like a certain time, please send a note in with your child on Monday.
  • The grade 5 math students just started into Unit 1 called Patterns and Equations.  I would still remind everyone that it is a good idea to be reviewing mental math facts each night.  Our response time for 'x' facts should be 3 seconds or less and division facts should be 5 seconds or less.
  • We have been working on Informational reports in language arts and will continue to work on them this week. The students have chosen a topic related to weather and we have been discussing the importance of text features (pictures, captions, headings, glossary, maps, tables, charts, bold print, italics, etc.).  Students will include some of these text feature within their informational reports.
  • Lunch order forms will be going home mid-week. Monday, Nov.5 will be lunch order day for the month of November.
  • A reminder to be reading 20 minutes each night. Parents don't forget to be having conversations with your child about what it is they are reading.
  • Happy Halloween to everyone! I will be meeting on Monday to get the specifics on what activities will be planned for Wednesday and I will discuss this with the students on Tuesday!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week of October 22-26

  • Thank you to everyone for such a great week! It was quite a week at ACC, from Mrs. Jay kissing a pig to Mrs. Ranahan celebrating her 40th year with the school board. I want to thank my students for making my week a great one too!
  • Grade 5 math quiz (part 2) will be on Wednesday. This will involve multiplication facts, estimating, rounding, and some addition/subtraction. Don't forget to bring back your math tests signed.
  • The book order will be due on October 24th.
  • The class will have a weather folklore poster due on Thursday.  This will be explained on Tuesday. For example, Red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in the morning sailors take warning.
  • Don't forget to be reading 20 min. each night and filling in your reading passport.
  • Have a wonderful week!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Week of October 15-19

* I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of my students for working so hard last week!  Ms. Flood was very impressed and she is looking forward to coming back to our class in November!
* A reminder for students to hand in their recounts on Monday if they did not do so on Wednesday.
*We will be starting our weather unit on Monday.
* The grade 5's will be having a math test later in the week. I will decide on an exact day with the class on Monday.
* A reminder for all students to be reading 20 min each night.  Remember, you can always take a book home from the classroom library to read in the evening! :o)
* Thank you to everyone who returned fundraising money. Our class did great.
* It is starting to get colder out and I would remind everyone to make sure they are dressing appropriately (coats, hats, mitts, etc.)
* I am looking forward to seeing everyone Monday morning!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week of October 9-10

*I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
*We have a short week this week. No school on Thursday and Friday because of the annual Teacher's Convention.
*Good copy of our recounts will be due Wednesday, October 10. Students should be double checking their rubrics! :o)
*I would like to welcome Ms. Stacey Flood into our class to observe on Tuesday and Wednesday. Stacey is a second year Education student from UPEI and she will be doing her practicum in our class from Nov. 19- Dec. 14. We are very excited to have her join our class.
*Have a great week!